
fallopian tube Learn more about fallopian tube

  • Prevention and treatment of fallopian tube cyst in chicken

    Prevention and treatment of fallopian tube cyst in chicken

    Content: in recent years, a disease characterized by low laying rate, tubal dysplasia or stagnant water appeared in laying hens, which mostly occurred between 150 and 200 days old, and there was no cure after the disease, so it could only be eliminated with huge losses. Through epidemiological study and experimental detection, it is considered that the disease is caused by infectious bronchitis virus. 1. Epidemiology can occur in all breeds of the disease, and it mostly occurred in parental breeder flocks before 2000. In recent years, the incidence of commercial chickens has increased significantly. Postpartum flock of chickens

  • Causes and control methods of nests in laying hens

    Causes and control methods of nests in laying hens

    Causes and control methods of nests in laying hens

  • Reproductive organs and physiological characteristics of female Fox

    Reproductive organs and physiological characteristics of female Fox

    The reproductive organs of female foxes are composed of ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina and external reproductive organs. The external reproductive organs include the vaginal vestibule, labia and clitoris. The female fox ovaries are located at the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae, the posterior edge of the kidney. The left ovary is more anterior than the right ovary. The ovaries are flat and grayish red. During estrus, the ovaries are 2 cm long and 1 wide. 5 cm; fallopian tube length 5-7 cm. The ovaries and fallopian tubes are covered with adipose tissue. The uterus is a double horn uterus, and the uterine horn and uterine body are suspended by the broad ligament of the uterus.

  • Salpingitis leads to difficulty in laying eggs How to prevent and treat laying hens with hose infection

    Salpingitis leads to difficulty in laying eggs How to prevent and treat laying hens with hose infection

    Salpingitis leads to difficulty in laying eggs How to prevent and treat laying hens with hose infection

  • Diagnosis and treatment of preparagonimiasis in chickens

    Diagnosis and treatment of preparagonimiasis in chickens

    Paragonimiasis is a common paragonimiasis in chickens. The incidence of adult hens is high, which is one of the main reasons affecting egg production and abnormal eggs. The pathogen is paragonimus, also known as tubal fluke. The insect body is flat like a small leaf, brownish red, about 3-9 mm long and 1-5 mm wide, and has two suckers on its head. Adults are parasitic in the reproductive organs of hens, mainly in the supraluminal bursa of the fallopian tube and cloaca. The eggs are excreted from the feces and fall into the water in the snail body.

  • The secret to mastering the best breeding time for sows

    The secret to mastering the best breeding time for sows

    The secret to mastering the best breeding time for sows

  • Dying Organs and Physiological Characteristics of Female Foxes

    Dying Organs and Physiological Characteristics of Female Foxes

    Female reproductive organs are composed of ovary, oviduct, uterus, vagina and external reproductive organs (vulva). The external genital organs include the vestibule, labia and clitoris. Female foxes ovary located in the third and fourth lumbar, grayish red, oestrus ovary length 2 cm, width 1. 5 cm; oviduct length 5-7 cm. The ovaries and fallopian tubes are covered with adipose tissue. The cervix protrudes into the vagina. The vagina is 6-8 cm long, connected to the cervix at the front and to the reproductive vestibule at the rear. The vestibule has two more developed processes.

  • The reason for the high embryo mortality rate of pigeons

    The reason for the high embryo mortality rate of pigeons

    The reason for the high embryo mortality rate of pigeons

  • A 21-year-old girl is pregnant with a liver doctor: it's my first time, too.

    A 21-year-old girl is pregnant with a liver doctor: it's my first time, too.

    "have you ever heard of ectopic pregnancy moving to the liver? Today is the first time I have met! " Not long ago, chief physician Wang Yuedong, director of laparoscopic surgery in a hospital in Zhejiang, posted such a Wechat message in moments: a 21-year-old girl because of extrauterine.

  • Prevention and treatment of Chicken Egg drop Syndrome

    Prevention and treatment of Chicken Egg drop Syndrome

    Prevention and treatment of Chicken Egg drop Syndrome

  • Effect and Analysis of forced molting in Chicken

    Effect and Analysis of forced molting in Chicken

    (1) Mortality during forced molting the measures such as fasting, stopping water and reducing light in the forced molting scheme are very stressful to chickens, and the mortality rate of chickens is a response to test whether the stress is moderate or not. Generally speaking, the mortality rate during the implementation of forced molting is no more than 3%, and it is more appropriate to control the mortality rate within 5% at the end of the recovery period. (2) the weight loss rate of hens indirectly reflects the fat consumption in the fallopian tube. Only when the rate of weight loss reaches 25% to 30%, can you lose.

  • Specific medicine for chicken salpingitis

    Specific medicine for chicken salpingitis

    The specific drugs for chicken salpingitis include Emeitong, Amoxicillin soluble Powder, Zengyabao, Electrolytic Duowei, bacteriophile, Eyanning, Eoshuan, compound Amoxicillin, Follicular Ning, Follicular growth Factor and so on. These drugs are sold in veterinary drugstores, especially amoxicillin.

    2020-11-11 Chicken fallopian tube inflammation specific medicine chicken
  • Four viral diseases that can lead to a decline in egg production in laying hens

    Four viral diseases that can lead to a decline in egg production in laying hens

    Four viral diseases that can lead to a decline in egg production in laying hens

  • Prevention and treatment of diseases in meat pigeon breeding

    Prevention and treatment of diseases in meat pigeon breeding

    Respiratory disease 1 pigeon plague is chlamydia, mainly recurrent unilateral or bilateral conjunctivitis, rapid infection, more morbidity, less death, pigeons easy to occur.

  • How do field snails reproduce?

    How do field snails reproduce?

    Field snails reproduce through eggs. The field snail is dioecious and hermaphroditic. It is an oviparous animal with a unique way of reproduction. The mature eggs meet and fertilize with sperm at the top of the fallopian tube, and the fertilized eggs undergo embryonic development in the womb of the female snail. Embryonic development of Oncomelania hupensis

    2020-11-11 Field snail how reproduction field snail pass egg offspring.
  • Technical specification for feeding management and artificial insemination of breeder Roosters

    Technical specification for feeding management and artificial insemination of breeder Roosters

    Technical specification for feeding management and artificial insemination of breeder Roosters

  • Northeast specialty toad oil (snow clam) when to eat good season? What are the effects and effects?

    Northeast specialty toad oil (snow clam) when to eat good season? What are the effects and effects?

    Oviductus Ranae, in the past, specifically refers to snow clam oil, forest frog oil. During the Qing Dynasty, toad oil was already known as the first-class palace tribute of the eight treasures. Due to the continuation of historical factors, Chinese in southern China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and some Southeast Asian countries are also used to generals.

    2020-11-11 Northeast specialty toad oil snow clam what season eat well have
  • How to judge whether pigeons are going to lay eggs

    How to judge whether pigeons are going to lay eggs

    How to judge whether pigeons are going to lay eggs

  • Suitable light is beneficial to the improvement of laying rate of laying hens.

    Suitable light is beneficial to the improvement of laying rate of laying hens.

    Suitable light is beneficial to the improvement of laying rate of laying hens.

  • Some reasons that cause eggs not to be fertilized.

    Some reasons that cause eggs not to be fertilized.

    1. The ratio of hens to cocks is too large. Foot and foot problems 3. The rooster strays from the herd. The rooster is too skinny. The rooster's broken beak is incorrect 6. The rooster is dominant 7. Low sperm count requires at least 50 to 100 million sperm per ejaculation. Sperm motility decreased by 9. 5%. The weight of a rooster is 10. 5% lower. Genetic factors 11. The fallopian tube is damaged, and if you are good at reaching the bleeding site, the hen will produce
